tricks we dream

Ashley Rafaela
Oct 19, 2020

some nights I dream that thunder is a game we play when we want to trick our ears into feeling and our bodies into hearing, our mouths into seeing, and then I think of all the tricks I’ve dreamed, like the one where mirrors turn beautiful ugly and ugly beautiful, and what is beautiful but a game you play that sometimes makes you feel big and sometimes makes you feel small, when really beautiful is a feeling you can hold at any moment, that anyone can hold without it taking anything away. there’s an endless supply of it, the real kind of it, and just like thunder we can hear it with our bodies, feel it with our ears, see it with our mouths. and finally comes the dream where seeing and feeling and hearing and tasting are one and the same, and we take this dream into the waking world and everything is different in a way we’ve always known but couldn’t remember. until now.



Ashley Rafaela

ESOL instructor living in Columbus, Ohio, USA. I write to remember myself back home.